
Nr 12 Thijs Kooijman

I t took a while, but Thijs' drawing is now finished!   I started last year but it didn't quite work with the right colors. As a result, I put it aside and started again today with full courage. I think the result is very successful.   Still 19,988 paintings and/or drawings to go 😆😆 Products I have used are: Stratmore Toned Tan paper 22.9x30.5 cm Faber Castell Polychromos an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Nr 11 Johnny Braat

  This is Johnny, a very sweet young man who I don't actually know very well. His mother works where I work and she was pregnant with him when I first started working there. Every now and then she takes Johnny along and with his beautiful curls and gentle character you soon fall in love with this little boy.   When I saw this photo on his mother's profile, I immediately had the idea to draw him.   Just before Christmas I framed the drawing and gave it as a gift. His mother was completely blown away by the drawing and gave it a prominent place among her photos of her family members.   It was an honor to draw Johnny. Still 19,989 paintings and/or drawings to go 😆😆 Products I have used are: Stratmore Toned Tan paper 22.9x30.5 cm Faber Castell Polychromos, Caran d'Ache Luminance an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Nr 10 Jelan Kooijman

  The beautiful weather is wonderful for a sailing trip. Jelan is sailing here with his grandparents from his mother's side. I liked the photo so much that I started drawing it.   It wasn't as easy as I thought. Since he was in full sun, his eyes were almost invisible. I hope I have compensated for that by making them a little lighter. In any case, it looks like you're stepping out onto a lovely summer day.   Still 19,990 paintings and/or drawings to go  😆😆 Products I have used are: Stratmore Toned Tan paper 22.9x30.5 cm Faber Castell Polychromos an eraser and pencil sharpener.

Nr 9: Bobbie Kooijman

  When I was busy drawing Joe Kooijman I immediately had the idea to draw his sister as well.  Which I'm done with now.    Here's Bobbie with her hat and cheeks red from the cold.    I did have some trouble with her nose and the transition from the very dark shadow on her forehead to the light parts under the eyes. In the end, I am satisfied with the result and notice that the mixing of the colors is really progressing. This time I didn't trace it with carbon paper, but used a mini projector.  That is more difficult because you can't see where you left off, so I forgot her mouth. I drew this freehand. I don't think it can really be seen. So that's a good sign. What would mom and dad think of Bobbie, would they like it as much as Joe's drawing? Still 19,991 paintings to go 😆😆 Products I have used are: Stratmore Toned Tan paper 22.9 x30.5 cm Faber Castell Polychromos a  eraser and sharpener.

Nr 8: Joe Kooijman

I've wanted to make this drawing for some time. It's my grandson, Joe. I had sent them the clothes he is wearing in January as a gift. Then it was still too big. Now he can wear these clothes and it looks very good on him. The photo was sent to me by his mother to show that he is now big enough for his new clothes. This boy is growing so fast that I think he will have overtaken his sister in size before his 2nd birthday. She is 20 months older. I had copied the photo with carbon paper. Unfortunately, these lines cannot be erased properly. If I go over it again, I'll have to come up with another way. Eventually I want to be able to draw it myself, but I prefer to try that with famous people who will never look at my drawings. This one will eventually be hung because I am proud of it. I can see that it's not quite right in terms of colors, but his skin is so light, and I don't have those color pencils. All in all, I am very satisfied, and I am curious what mom and dad

Nr 6 and 7: Color Spletters and Sunny side

  These blue splashes seemed so easy to make. Kirsty Partridge's video looked super simple. It was just that everything was covered in paint. My tablet, my drinking glass, the table, my T-shirt, the floor and everything that was around me. I was so absorbed in distributing the drops well that I didn't realize it until I was done. Haha, what a dumbass. With the yellow sunny variant, I made sure that not everything was covered in paint, but that is very difficult. For this effect, you just need space that can get dirty. Since I made it during a weekend trip to Maasbree for the 50th wedding anniversary of my parents Ton and Christine, I didn't have the space for that. Next time I'll just bring my crayons. Then it can't get all dirty. Still 19,993 paintings to go 😆😆 Products I have used are: Water color paper van Gogh  10.5x15 cm Aquarel Pallet/tips by Winsor and Newton  And Water

Nr 5: Better 2Gether

  Better 2Gether is a love to meet group from my church Mozaiek020 . We meet every first Tuesday of the month for a nice meal. Playing games and especially talking and laughing with each other. I wanted to make a mosaic of it at first, but that was too difficult. I did a small piece at the bottom left, but I quickly let that go. The numbers 020 are also included, which refers to Mozaiek020 The groups that exist are called Love2meet groups, which I have depicted with a heart, the number 2 and the word meet. The cross is the church. It didn't turn out what I had in mind, but hey, it was good to try. Still 19,995 paintings to go 😆😆 Products I have used are:  Daler Rowney  canvas board 20x20 cm Oil paint by van Gogh and Rembrandt.